Edot Lawrence

First introduced to the music industry through thecollaboration project “Goofy Brothers” released by label Get Fat. Lawrence showcased his lyrical and melodious distinctiveness with eminent contributions to the project. After releasing the debut project “MELANCHOLIC AND MELODIC” in 2021 and receiving good criticism at home and abroad, including radio listings on Norwegian radio and support on DSP’s, Edot Lawrence released pop rap singles “Paranoid”, “Talking to myself”, and “Sleepless Nights” in 2022 while continuing growing his fanbase on Tik Tok and working on new music for 2023. Working closely with in-house producer Prettiboi, Edot now had a series of singles he’s going to release in 2023/2024.

Contact us


Aldin Duratovic - aldin@getfatmusicgroup.com

Day to day managers:

Ramsi Omar Said - ramsi@getfatmusicgroup.com